Other scooter stuff by me

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Lambretta gets a muffler

Let the welding begin!

Finding a brand new muffler for a Lambretta TV 175, series 1, is hard or at least expensive.  
The exhaust who came with my scooter seemed okay. A little welding after de-carbonating and cleaning.
The hard bit was the cap to the inspection slot, which was missing. Not listed by Casa Lambretta or any other retailer. I even asked for one at the Padova fair in october; "make one" was the answer.
Since Jim has a lathe, and know how to use it, it was solved in 20 minutes. He had to make two round holes instead of the hexagon for the Allen key.
Last task was to make an extension to the exhaust pipe. After that the silencer and pipe was painted with heat resistant paint.
It's a scooter swap meet in Stockholm today, don't think I go by scooter. The last picture was taken at noon, the deers just appeared. No big deal, they're like rats here in Stockholm.
Fortunately I still have the winter tyres on the car.

The cap is ready to be mounted (copper paste).

La marmitta!

The muffler should have an extension pipe.

These three roe deers turned up in the snow today.

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