Other scooter stuff by me

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Did Innocenti really do that?

Above is a close-up of the original floor mat from my "yard wreck" Lambretta TV 175 series 1. Someone has carved the rubber with a knife. 
I wonder of it was done at the Innocenti factory?
When I tried to mount the aftermarket floor mat, the end caps for the legshield rubber trim was covered by the mat. Causing a little "bulge".
I thought that the aftermarket mat was crap, until I tested the original mat and discovered the outtake done by knife, allowing the endcap some space.
The alignment between the the right and left floormat is also "wrong", causing this problem. The right floor mat is located nearer to the outer end of the legshield, compared to the left one. The same occurs when I test with old original mats. All the time using the original holes.
Drilling new holes doesn't solve it, then you modify the outriggers attached to the frame's central tube to much.
Anyone who knows the real story here?
I also have fitted some anti vibration rubbers between the frame and the legshield. I saw this device on the homepage of Casa Lambretta Scandinavia, but couldn't find them in the spare parts exploded view for Lambretta TV 175, series 1. 
I decided to fit some home made rubbers, it won't hurt...me thinks!

The end cap that causes a bulge, unless you use a knife...

Anti vibration rubber, home made, invisible later...

The side cowls with emblems, rechromed originals.

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