Other scooter stuff by me

Try scootering in the winter!

Running a Vespa or a scooter during the winter season? Some are commuting on them, I only drive in the winter for fun. Or machismo. Well, it can also be very beautiful and rewarding.
In Finland there is a veteran vehicle rally the first weekend of february each year since 1976. It runs in the middle part of the country, near Jyväskylä. All the old finnish guys prefer temperatures under minus 20 degrees Celsius. It's better grip if you drive on summer tires.
My first try on a Vespa was in 2006. I had supplied studded tires to my Vespa GS 1961. At the start it was minus 22 degrees. Facial mask, ski googles and layers and layers of clothing.
The distance was about 100 km with a lunchbreak, the hot meatsoup was very welcome.
The grip was okay, traction not. The small wheels tended to jump and skip to the roughness on the snow roads.
When I take my Svalan Scooter with 14-inch wheels, no studs, the ride is much easier.
Since 2006 I have driven six or seven winter rally's in Sweden and Finland. The latest was this year on the 19th of february in Östersund. You should try it once...
Tyres with spikes, helps a lot.

Proper clothing is necessary.

Not so cold but lots of snow. Tricky on 10-inch.

Finland is famous for lots of birch trees.
That's Jim on a 1 hp moped and me.
Sometimes it's just painfully beautiful. Finland minus 14 degrees C.
A pale sun, snowcovered trees. Tanti neve, molto freddo.
A flat tire is always a pain. This year it was only 2-3 minus C.

Absolutely freezing! Minus 25 Celsius on some parts of the trip in Sweden.